Compassionate, Personalized & Effective

Mental Health Treatment in Idaho

We Accept Insurance

Let’s check if your insurance provider will cover your treatment costs.
Verify Insurance

Support and guidance from qualified therapists

Treatment programs tailored to meet your unique needs

A proven evidence-based approach to treatment

We’re highly reviewed by past clients

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Your Mental Health is Our Priority

We offer effective, confidential, and personalized mental health care programs that promote healing and recovery. Our programs are led by a compassionate team of experts and are designed to cater to various mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, trauma, and more.


Identify and address the underlying causes of your symptoms, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and regain control of your life.


Learn to effectively cope with feelings of excessive worry, fear, and panic using a combination of therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes.


Learn effective techniques for managing symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, and anxiety resulting from traumatic experiences


Recover from emotional and psychological scars resulting from past traumatic experiences and cultivate positive coping strategies for the future.


Acquire the essential tools and support to overcome the temptation to self-harm and cultivate positive coping skills for managing emotional distress


Effectively manage and reduce obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors through a mix of therapies, medication, and lifestyle modifications


Identify and address the underlying causes of your symptoms, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and regain control of your life.


Learn to effectively cope with feelings of excessive worry, fear, and panic using a combination of therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes.


Learn effective techniques for managing symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares, and anxiety resulting from traumatic experiences


Recover from emotional and psychological scars resulting from past traumatic experiences and cultivate positive coping strategies for the future.


Acquire the essential tools and support to overcome the temptation to self-harm and cultivate positive coping skills for managing emotional distress


Effectively manage and reduce obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors through a mix of therapies, medication, and lifestyle modifications

Get Started Today

Starting or continuing your mental health journey with Modern Recovery Idaho is a straightforward 3-step process that begins with a single phone call or message.

1- The Initial Phone Call

Speak about your personal mental health journey, discover your treatment options, and review payment options with us.

2- The Pre-Screen

Confirm treatment options, insurance coverage, and get a better understanding about what to expect during treatment.

3- Begin Treatment

It’s day one – You’ll complete  the intake process, meet our team, and commence your treatment.

1- The Initial Phone Call

Speak about your personal mental health journey, discover your treatment options, and review payment options with us.

2- The Pre-Screen

Confirm treatment options, insurance coverage, and get a better understanding about what to expect during treatment.

3- Begin Treatment

It’s day one – You’ll complete  the intake process, meet our team, and commence your treatment.

Therapeutic Services

Our programs offer an individualized approach to mental health treatment, providing tailored therapeutic services to meet the unique needs and preferences of each client. Services include:

  • Individual Therapy
  • Group Therapy
  • Recovery Coaching
  • Aftercare & Extended Care
  • Family Sessions
  • Medication Consultations
  • Academic Support
  • Vocational Training
  • Short & Long Term
  • Care Management

Lena Moses

Director of Community Relations

We Accept Insurance

We accept most major insurance plans, making high-quality treatment accessible and affordable for all. Let’s see if your insurance provider will cover your treatment costs.

We’re in-network with BlueCross BlueShield

Programs for Teenagers (12-17) in Idaho

  • Timely Intervention: Recognize and address mental health concerns at an early stage, mitigating the risk of them worsening and becoming harder to treat in the future.
  • Improved Relationships: Cultivate effective communication and interpersonal skills, fostering healthier relationships with family, friends, and peers.
  • Boost Academic Performance: Overcome mental health challenges that may be impacting their academic performance and improve their focus, concentration, and motivation for academic success.
  • Strengthen Coping: Develop a range of effective coping skills and strategies for managing mental health issues and apply them to various aspects of your life.