Depression Treatment in Meridian

Online treatment to heal from depression

We Accept Insurance

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Counseling to help you find joy & motivation in life again

A complete program to help you get and stay better

Small-group sessions & support coaches + therapy

All our treatment sessions are online

In Meridian, if you’re searching for depression treatment but worried about the hassle of in-person visits, we might be the right fit for you. Our treatment sessions are entirely online, combining ease with effectiveness:

  • 💻 Complete convenience: Join sessions from anywhere, whether at home or on the go.
  • 🏡 Comfort of Your Own Space: Engage in therapy where you feel safest and most comfortable, right in your home.
  • 📅 Flexible scheduling: Find appointment times that fit seamlessly into your life and not vice versa.
  • 🌟 Privacy and anonymity: Enjoy a higher level of privacy without worrying about running into someone you know.
  • 🔒 Secure and confidential: Our online platforms ensure your sessions are private and secure.

We’re here to help and support you. Give us a call. Consultations are free.

phone-icon (208) 435-8833

Depression Treatment Program to find joy, peace, and hope in your daily life

While there are many options for treating depression in Meridian, Modern’s Program stands out due to its comprehensive approach to treatment. We don’t just help you get over the symptoms of depression, we ensure you heal so that you don’t have another depressive episode after the program.

Personalized sessions

  • Your therapy is customized to address your unique experiences with depression, ensuring that every session moves you closer to recovery.

Group sessions

  • In group sessions, you'll find strength and understanding among others who share similar experiences.

Recovery coach

  • You’ll have a dedicated recovery coach by your side, offering personalized guidance, support, and motivation every step of the way.

Personalized sessions

  • Your therapy is customized to address your unique experiences with depression, ensuring that every session moves you closer to recovery.

Group sessions

  • In group sessions, you'll find strength and understanding among others who share similar experiences.

Recovery coach

  • You’ll have a dedicated recovery coach by your side, offering personalized guidance, support, and motivation every step of the way.

Proven treatment techniques to help you get your life back

  • Behavioral Activation: This encourages you to get involved in activities you enjoy to improve your mood.
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): This helps you accept what you can't change and commit to actions that improve your life.
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): This teaches you skills to handle tough emotions and improve relationships.

Customer Reviews

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4.8 – A few of our glowing reviews


I was skeptical about online therapy, but the convenience and privacy won me over. The recovery coaches are so supportive, guiding me through my challenges seamlessly.

Jason A.


The group therapy sessions at Modern Recovery gave me a sense of community that I never thought possible online. I’ve learned so much.

Emily R.


The personalized approach made all the difference—finally, a program that adapts to me, not the other way around. Highly recommend.


We accept insurance

We collaborate with the most significant insurance providers to lessen the financial burden of treatment. Please verify if your provider covers your treatment.

We’re in-network with BlueCross BlueShield

Key benefits of joining our Depression Treatment in Meridian

By choosing our Depression Therapy in Meridian, you're not just getting treatment, you're gaining a partner in your journey to finding joy and stability again. With sessions 3-5 times a week for 4-6 weeks, we're committed to your deep healing and long-lasting stability.

Family involvement

We involve your family so they can understand and support you better, making home a stronger base for recovery.

Schoolwork support

If school or college feels overwhelming, we’re here to help keep your education on track without added stress.

Post-treatment plan

After you complete the program, we don’t just say goodbye. We plan the next steps with you to keep the progress going.

Vocational training

We offer training for jobs and careers, helping you build a future beyond depression.

Dual diagnosis

If you’re dealing with depression and another condition, we tackle both, giving you comprehensive care.

Medication management

We help you manage any medications, making sure they’re working for you in the best way.

Family involvement

We involve your family so they can understand and support you better, making home a stronger base for recovery.

Schoolwork support

If school or college feels overwhelming, we’re here to help keep your education on track without added stress.

Post-treatment plan

After you complete the program, we don’t just say goodbye. We plan the next steps with you to keep the progress going.

Vocational training

We offer training for jobs and careers, helping you build a future beyond depression.

Dual diagnosis

If you’re dealing with depression and another condition, we tackle both, giving you comprehensive care.

Medication management

We help you manage any medications, making sure they’re working for you in the best way.

How to get started?

Whether you’re beginning or continuing your recovery, getting into Modern Recovery’s Online Treatment for Depression is a simple 3-step process that begins with one simple phone call or message.

1- The initial phone call

Tell us your story, explore treatment options, and discuss payment options.

2- Pre screening

Confirm treatment, insurance coverage, and details about what to expect.

3- Start Therapy

Connect to computer or mobile device. Begin therapy from wherever you are.

1- The initial phone call

Tell us your story, explore treatment options, and discuss payment options.

2- Pre screening

Confirm treatment, insurance coverage, and details about what to expect.

3- Start Therapy

Connect to computer or mobile device. Begin therapy from wherever you are.